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Yours in Words: Invention and the Quest for Equality

Playwright Laura Thoma will workshop and present a staged reading of her play-in-development Yours in Words as part of this year's GreenStage festival. The reading will be the first event in this year's festival program, taking place on Sunday, September 17, at 7 p.m. at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Guilford. Like all other festival events, it's free and open to the public.

Set in New York City in the late 1800s, a time of inventiveness and creativity but also a struggle for women's equality, it's a tale about women, love, friendship and power. Directed by Bobby Johnson and stage-managed by Teresa Mella Fogel, it features Rachel H. Babcock, Jordan Chenette, Derek Clark, Michael Vernon Davis, Julie Fitzpatrick, David Hamilton and Raven Rose.


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Thank you for your interest in being a GreenStage volunteer! We currently have the following openings. Please email Paula Kinney in our office if you're interested in any of these, or if you just want

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